EU to offer 60,000 free rail passes to young people


Sixty thousand young Europeans are to be given free travel rail passes next year as part of a campaign to mark the European Year of Youth.

People born between 1 July 2001 and 31 December 2003 can apply from midday on 12 October until midday on 26 October.

The passes will allow successful applicants to travel by rail for free for up to 30 days between March 2022 and February 2023.

However, to ensure wide access across the EU, participants can also use alternative modes of transport, such as coaches or ferries, or exceptionally, planes.

DiscoverEu says this is to ensure young people living in remote areas or on islands also have a chance to take part.

Each EU member state will be allocated a number of travel passes, based on its population, as a proportion of the overall population of the European Union


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